Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday night

Hello! Another week has gone by, I can't believe how fast it goes....except when you are at work waiting for the day to be over.
Sunday I went over to Joe and Sara's for a little wedding shower for her. She does not have alot of close girlfriends so it was just me, Pris (my sister) her friend Brittney and her Mother Kathy. I think after the first of the year we need to have another party for her and Joe so my family can come over. Maybe even have Jeff say the vows and make them do it again.
I am thinking I need to order a cake to take to Vegas when we drive up. The kids are going to have a suite so I am thinking of buying a few bottles of champagne and order a few appetizer plates from the hotel. After that we can all go out on the strip. It should be fun.
Chris and I went hiking on Monday. It was so nice out, it never got above 68 degrees although you never would have known it while we were hiking. It was nice just getting outside to exercise.
On Tuesday Chris had to work so I got up and did a few things around the house. It was so nice to have the house to myself. I decided I was going to go to an early movie. "The Secret Life of Bees" was playing up the street at 10:10. I ran in to Cherry. Her foster daughters were off for memorial day and they were seeing the same movie. It was very good. I read the book years ago and loved it. It had been so long since I had read it I can't remember the details which was probably good cause I could not really compare the two so I ended up loving the movie.
When I was coming out of the theater I looked at my phone. I had a text from Angela at work, it said "Do you remember you are coming into at 1:30" They asked me to work about two months ago so NO I did not remember. Thankfully she texted me or I never would have gone into work. I ran home and did not even have time to shower. Put some makeup on quick and got to work. Ruined my whole afternoon obviously.
All day today I was thinking it was Thursday damnit. I do not like my schedule tamptered with.
After work tonight I stopped by Macy's to get new shoes for a dress I am wearing on Friday to Andrea's wedding. I should look pretty nice. Chris on the other hand has nothing nice to wear. I hope he goes to the store tomorrow after work and gets a decent pair of pants and a nice dress shirt. We go thru this every time we have something kind of fancy to do. I would love to see him in a suit and tie sometime but I don't think that is ever going to happen.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

You know there was a place in Chandler that made these incredible rum cakes. I don't know if you you could take one of those or not. I think they have to be refrigerated. Ok, I think it was called Cathy's Rum Cakes. Man that was a long time ago, so it might not even be there, plus it might not be named that.

Send me you cell phone on email. I text all the time. Do you have unlimited texting? You have to get twitter. It is so cool. I send you an invitation.

Love you bunches
Have a great day.