Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Birthday

Good morning. Well another year older. Eeek. Well I have been saying I am 48 for months now so what's the difference? Now I am really 48 so it does not feel so bad.
Hey, here is something I did not mention in past posts that I probably should say something about. Joe and Sarah are getting married! I am actually happy they are doing it BUT they are doing it in Vegas on December 13th. That is alittle close but I have no say in it. I would really prefer they waited til spring so we could have a nice little wedding here but like I said, I have no say in it. They are getting excited about it so that is all that matters. So I will have a new daughter soon. They promise not to have a baby for a few years.....she still needs to graduate and he needs to figure out what the heck he wants to do with his life.
Chris and I are going out to dinner tonight. I still have my free birthday dinner coming to me from THE KEG.
I had the weirdest dreams this morning. I woke up around 4am and could not fall back to sleep so I turned on the light to only takes about 10 minutes for me to always fall back to sleep when I read. I was dreaming Chris was up early in the kitchen and when I went out into the living room he had a table set up and was making breakfast and my brother Gerry was there and I looked out my front door and all my brothers and sister were there. Pris had curlers in her hair....Cyndy was there and she was super skinny which pissed me off cause I am at a heavy weight. Jeff,Greg, Kathy(which is funny since her and Greg have not been married in so long, I guess she is still my sister) and Nathan and even Jason from Iraq. Then I started another dream. I was in the bedroom again and I got up and looked back into the room and everything was different. I thought "I must be dreaming where did this lamp come from" I even touched it and could feel it. In the middle of the room was a table with toys on it. They were toys from my childhood. I got so excited. I thought this is great I want to see this stuff and I sat down to go thru it. Chris came in and I said to him "Do you see this stuff" and he did but it started to fade away and I was so disappointed cause I did not finish looking at it.
Well that is all for now.


Patricia said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope your day was great!

I've always felt that when I dream of people who have passed, it is Gods way of sending them back to me to talk to them. I really feel they are there to help some need.

I see my Mom every once in a while.

Your dreams are so vivid. Wow!

Patricia said...

You know I did see the part about Joe getting married, then I got side tracted on the dream. Congratulations!

I can't believe he is old enough to get married. He is still a baby in my mind.

How they grow up. I'm glad you like Sarah she seems like a nice girl.

Tell Joe I say Congratulations.